Measuring Wheels:


The measuring wheel – also known as a surveyor’s wheel, clickwheel, odometer, or trundle wheel – is a tool used to measure distances. Measuring wheels have a counting mechanism that counts the number of rotations and uses the circumference of the wheel to calculate the distance covered.


The measuring wheel – also known as a surveyor’s wheel, clickwheel, odometer, or trundle wheel – is a tool used to measure distances. Measuring wheels have a counting mechanism that counts the number of rotations and uses the circumference of the wheel to calculate the distance covered.

Why use a measuring wheel?

There are plenty of tools out there that can be used to measure distances, including several that are significantly more precise. Yet measuring wheels are still a useful tool for a multitude of reasons:

  • Measuring wheels can be used entirely independently, without the help of another person – to hold the tape, for example.
  • It is much simpler and quicker to measure greater distances using a measuring wheel than with other measuring tools. 
  • When using a measuring wheel, measurements can be taken in one go. No separate measurements are required.
  • There is no limit to the distances that can be measured using a measuring wheel because, unlike other measuring tools, the tape cannot run out.
  • They are extremely easy to use! Measurements can be paused at any time to jot down notes, for example.
  • Some measuring wheel models allow the user to measure and mark up at the same time.

What are measuring wheels used for?

Measuring wheels are used in road construction, horticulture and landscaping to measure plots, sports grounds and fields. They are also used by the police and other experts to take official measurements, in the aftermath of an accident, for example.

Measuring wheels have a wide variety of potential applications, with an equally diverse range of available models and designs.


Different measuring wheels are available to serve different purposes in a wide variety of designs and sizes. For example, there are measuring wheels that feature a heavy steel disk wheel specially designed for measuring rail tracks and large land measuring wheels with circumferences up to 2 m used to measure fields.

The most reliable spiked measuring wheels with a 1 m circumferences are used to measure distances with high precision for road construction and landscaping. These wheels are easy to use and transport. Mini measuring wheels with a circumference of 0.5 m are particularly suitable for taking rough measurements or interior measurements.

How do measuring wheels work?

A measuring wheel is a very simple, user-friendly tool. It consists of at least one wheel, a counting mechanism and a guide rod with a handle.

Measurements are taken by pushing or turning the wheel across the ground using the guide rod. As the wheel moves, the mechanical counting mechanism calculates the number of rotations and calculates the distance covered using the wheel circumference. For example, a single rotation of a measuring wheel with a diameter of 318.5 mm equates to a distance of exactly 1 m. The counting mechanism is attached above the measuring wheel and has either an analog or digital display, which can be set to zero by pressing the reset button.

What sets SOLA measuring wheels apart?

SOLA offers two measuring wheel models with an analog counting mechanism in two different sizes for different applications.

The models offer a variety of impressive features, including an extremely robust counting mechanism with a reset button to set the counter to zero, a height-adjustable telescopic guide rod for easy handling, and an abrasion-resistant precision measuring wheel made from high-quality plastic.

The SOLA measuring wheel is the ideal tool for quick, easy, and precise measurement of both short and long distances.